Tuesday, August 02, 2005

to the library

This is a little how Elsewhere works, if you would like more background go here, otherwise I shall begin in the library. Somewhere along the way the idea of a library was concieved and then a system for arranging the books was devised based loosely on the dewey decimal system and the internal structure that is shaping up the stuff of Elsewhere. So in the library there is a section for all of the sections found with in the space for instance there is a studio section, a kitchen section, a lobby section, a garden section, a bathroom section and there is even a library section in the library (there are a few more but not having been here they will not make sense). So books are arranged based on their titles and in what section they would make most sense, so there is room for interpretation and there is always room for a well formed argument and I believe that there is one hard and fast rule, well as hard as it gets here at Elsewhere, anyway, and that is that all books about animals go in the garden section as all animals deserve to be outside so books with animals in the titles as well as books about animals go in the garden as do books about sunsets, plants and general outsideness, for the most part. Books about art generally go in the studio, biographys generally go in the audience section, as do books about TV, Film, and bestselling fiction works such as works by James Michner. Romance novels go into the Freud's Office section and books about excercise, food and nutrition go in the kitchen. Literature and classics go in the library section and most books involving teaching or learning or various combinations there of go into the Educational Research Initiative section. But it is less straight forward because there are instances that would not make sense to outside observers, such as books that might have the word "bridge" in the title would go in the lobby section because there is a bridge in the lobby here. So the beginning of this post is just that a way to begin, shelving of books would not necessarily follow these guidelines especially if it refers first to the space and second to the history of the space which are some very important ideas when you are at Elsewhere. If you want to get into the library shelving system email, or post a message with a book title and I will tell you where it would be shelved and why.