Saturday, November 10, 2007

Time to Continue

An explanation for the lapse of time can only be summed up in academic terms, that is to say I was consumed by academia. What is worse I was land locked in the center of the country with out adequate material to write about.

I was teaching color theory in the fine art department of a very large state school. At this particular research school, the fine art department is housed in the college of education and the various arts are equally without community and college organization. This is endemic of larger cultural problems with in the state, our country, etc. but this does lead to internal issues with regard to the organization of the department that are not your garden variety Hickeyean state of affairs. For instance color theory was considered an elective, that is not required by art majors, which never made sense to me, but I digress.

So there I was in the heart of middle America with out a thing to see worth writing about. Since this is no longer the case, I will resume writing about art, music and film my way, as I experience them here in San Francisco.